

The Friends of Franklin Foundation is the primary fundraising organization for Benjamin Franklin High School. Its mission is to pursue, cultivate, and develop relationships with donors to advance philanthropic support for Benjamin Franklin High School, its students, and its academic programs and to manage actively the resources it receives.
Natalie Beck ’01, Graphic Designer & Grants Manager
Florence Bourg, Ph.D., Grants Writer
Jenny Kibby, Raiser's Edge Database Manager
John Parauka, Student and Alumni Services Coordinator
Eve Peyton ’98, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Christy Cowart Read ’89, Development Director

Alea Cot, President
Richard Chen ’17
Charmaine Cooper Hussain, Member
Jonathan Levy ’03, Treasurer
Sandy Katz Levy ’65
Deborah Thurber ’79, Secretary
Mitchell Turnbough

The ultimate goal is to nurture existing relationships with alumni, parents, past parents and grandparents, foundations, and other current donors while also exploring new avenues for fundraising opportunities. The Friends of Franklin Foundation will cover the gap between the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) we get from state funding and what we need to give our outstanding students the maximum experience they deserve. We are about to begin actively fundraising and financing for a new STEAM building (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math). This will be followed by renovation of the current building and redesign in areas to create "learning centers" followed by expansion of the gym and athletic complex. (A conceptual master plan is available upon request.) The Friends of Franklin Foundation will help us to be more strategic, intentional, and efficient in our fundraising efforts and the management of funds, as well as more authentic in our relationship-building with donors and prospects.

The ultimate goal is to nurture existing relationships with alumni, parents, past parents and grandparents, foundations, and other current donors while also exploring new avenues for fundraising opportunities. The Friends of Franklin Foundation will cover the gap between the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) we get from state funding and what we need to give our outstanding students the maximum experience they deserve. We are about to begin actively fundraising and financing for a new STEAM building (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math). This will be followed by renovation of the current building and redesign in areas to create "learning centers" followed by expansion of the gym and athletic complex. (A conceptual master plan is available upon request.) The Friends of Franklin Foundation will help us to be more strategic, intentional, and efficient in our fundraising efforts and the management of funds, as well as more authentic in our relationship-building with donors and prospects.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our corporate sponsors for their invaluable support and generosity. Their contributions have significantly enhanced our educational programs, providing our students with unparalleled opportunities for growth and learning. Their commitment to our school community is truly appreciated, and we look forward to continuing this impactful partnership. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students!

Thank You to Our Sponsors
Every amount helps. External fund sources, such as private foundations and corporations, are more likely to support a school that is receiving funds from parents, alumni, past parents, etc. If they see that your own people support the school then they are more likely to contribute as well.

Memorial Awards
The Wyatt Tyler ’13 Environmental Justice Award seeks to carry forward the work and legacy of this fervent and courageous young man. The award aims to inspire a generation of socially-conscious and empathy-driven activists to leave behind a more equitable society, and ensure future generations inherit a livable planet by taking action on climate change.
This prize was established in his memory to inspire Ben Franklin students in any grade to submit a joke or short story with a great punchline of their own creation. The entries will be submitted to the Riverbend Review editorial staff and they will determine a winner. The winning joke or short story will be published in the Riverbend Review and the winning student will also receive a cash prize.
This prize was established in his memory to inspire Ben Franklin students in any grade to submit a joke or short story with a great punchline of their own creation. The entries will be submitted to the Riverbend Review editorial staff and they will determine a winner. The winning joke or short story will be published in the Riverbend Review and the winning student will also receive a cash prize.
Ben Franklin High School is a transformational experience. While only the exceptional are accepted, individuality is embraced and diversity is cherished. Students are empowered through academic achievement. Excellence is expected and accomplished.
As a public charter school, we are as financially challenged as our students are academically. We strive to sustain our status as the #1 school in Louisiana with a budget of roughly $8,800 per student, approximately 40% of what other private/independent schools receive. Support of Franklin is an investment in the future leaders and innovators of our community and our country.
Your donation improves the quality of education each student receives and helps prepare the next generation of Franklin alumni.
Contributions are tax-deductible! Franklin is now a 501 (c) 3 organization. (Our legal name is Advocates for Academic Excellence in Education, Inc. D/B/A Benjamin Franklin High School.)
Show that you care about Franklin with a gift today!

The funds are used to support our academic programs, faculty and staff professional development, new technology, athletics programs, and award winning theater and visual arts programs, just to name a few ways.

Every amount helps. External fund sources, such as private foundations and corporations, are more likely to support a school that is receiving funds from parents, alumni, past parents, etc. If they see that your own people support the school then they are more likely to contribute as well.
Ben Franklin High School is a transformational experience. While only the exceptional are accepted, individuality is embraced and diversity is cherished. Students are empowered through academic achievement. Excellence is expected and accomplished.
As a public charter school, we are as financially challenged as our students are academically. We strive to sustain our status as the #1 school in Louisiana with a budget of roughly $8,800 per student, approximately 40% of what other private/independent schools receive. Support of Franklin is an investment in the future leaders and innovators of our community and our country.
Your donation improves the quality of education each student receives and helps prepare the next generation of Franklin alumni.
Contributions are tax-deductible! Franklin is now a 501 (c) 3 organization. (Our legal name is Advocates for Academic Excellence in Education, Inc. D/B/A Benjamin Franklin High School.)
Show that you care about Franklin with a gift today!
Ways to Give

Current gifts are always appreciated and are tax-deductable to the full extent of the law. The school will accept gifts by check or credit card.
Give a little every month, every quarter or every year. You can set up a recurring gift on our secure website and your credit card will be charged.
Many corporations have chosen this method as a way to support education. Companies will often match or multiply gifts made by employees and retirees.
As a public charter school, Ben Franklin has constant needs for funding, maintenance and improvements, project by project. You can choose to restrict funds to a specific project or area of the school such as the writing lab, theater, science or athletics.
You or your company may sponsor a Franklin event or project and have the ongoing appreciation of the community.
A gift of stock saves two ways. You avoid capital gains tax on the increased value and you receive a deduction for the full market value of the stock at the time you make the gift.
Franklin gratefully recognizes gifts made in memory or in honor of friends, family, or faculty members, or to acknowledge other significant events.
A gift to Franklin leaves a lasting impact. There are many vehicles that offer tax savings and benefits: wills, life insurance, charitable lead trusts, and real estate.
Gifts of goods and services are always welcomed. There are so many different needs at the school and these donations can be distributed where best suited.
Your time and talent can help Franklin. Support events and activities throughout the year. Help raise money and awareness for Franklin.
Benjamin Franklin High School will not sell or trade a donor’s personal information to any other entity in existence without the donor’s written permission.
Mail checks payable to: Friends of Franklin, Inc. / Attention: Development Office / 2001 Leon C. Simon Drive, New Orleans, LA 70122
Please contact Christy Cowart Read ’89 at 504-286-2615 or in the Development Office for more information.